Description du produit
Easy to use: Our Ecoline Series. With their ability to automatically run by music control, they are perfect lasers for beginners. Ecoline lasers can perfectly be used in pubs and small clubs. Compact sizes and very economic prices make them versatile lasers for mobile use or your private party. The units have enough output power to create stunning laser effects in small to medium-sized rooms.
Add a small fog machine and you can achieve an amazing effect for little money. All lasers can run their patterns to the rhythm of the music - you do not have to worry about the control. The various patterns, such as waves or tunnels, look almost as professional as from high end projectors.
Multicolor laser bar. Red and green laser diodes generate many beams through the four beam outlets. Room-fillinge effects at strong laser power!
- total power: minimum 230mW, maximum 350mW
- power red: >150mW/655nm
- power green: >80mW/532nm
- laser: aircooled DPSS laser (green), laser diodes (red)
- laser class: 3b
- control mode: auto, music, DMX
- DMX channels: 9
- scanner: high-speed stepper motors, 2-5kpps
- scan angle: max. +/-30°
- beam: ca. 3mm/1,5mrad
- basic patterns: ca. 50 (layers, tunnels, fences, waves, ect.)
- effects: more than 350 room filling effects
- Laser-Safety: compliance to IEC 60825-1
- power supply: 85V - 250V AC
- power consumption: 50W
Scope of supply
- 1 x device
- 1 x power cable
- 1 x user manual (german, english)
- ca. 623/175/185 mm (L/B/H)
- weight: ca. 7,5kg
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Détails sur le produit
- Marque: Laserworld
- Modèle: EL-350RG
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